my amiga corner

/Users/jess/Desktop/mon coin miga/IMG_20170302_074642.jpg

Hits: 2047

Welcome to my wonderfull Amiga Corner. So, let’s have a look :
/Users/jess/Desktop/mon coin miga/IMG_20170302_074642.jpg
My amiga corner. On the left, we can see my emulated A4000 in its wonderfull X500+ case, my AROS box in the bottom, and my A1200 on the top.
/Users/jess/Desktop/mon coin miga/IMG_20170302_073034.jpg
My AROS box is an Optiplex 755, can you see the eye of icarus on the power button ?
More photos on my icaros there : my icaros box
/Users/jess/Desktop/mon coin miga/IMG_20170302_073101.jpg
my emulated A4000 in its wonderfull X500+ micro ATX case
More photos on my emulated A4000 + tuto there : my emulated amiga 4000
/Users/jess/Desktop/mon coin miga/IMG_20170302_073355.jpg
and my lilttle gem, my diamond : my A1200 NOS got by Petro himself. For the moment, i haven’t integrated the hardware extensions (we can see the USB plugs coming from the RapidRoad USB). I’ll do it when I can and make an article on it.
More photos of my A1200 there : my a1200
/Users/jess/Desktop/mon coin miga/IMG_20170302_073256.jpg
my amiga corner and my musical desktop seen by the left
/Users/jess/Desktop/mon coin miga/IMG_20170302_074458.jpg
my KVM switcher so I can have only one keyboard/mouse/screen for my A4000 emulated and my AROS box
/Users/jess/Desktop/mon coin miga/IMG_20170302_074512.jpg
my Gateway PS/2 keyboard to use with my A1200 + Lirah adapter
/Users/jess/Desktop/mon coin miga/IMG_20170302_074523.jpg
my lazer USB mouse for use with my A1200 + Joypad RyS MKII
/Users/jess/Desktop/mon coin miga/IMG_20170302_074545.jpg
my wireless keyboard + mouse for use with my AROS box and my emulated A4000

Some Goodies :

/Users/jess/Desktop/mon coin miga/IMG_20170302_075554.jpg

my last D7 of my demo swapping period

/Users/jess/Desktop/mon coin miga/IMG_20170302_075801.jpg

my two prefered paper magazines

Author: jess

for a long time amiga, aros & demos lover and musician (linux musician, drummer, modules in protracker and octamed, recording and mastering in ardour)