Amicloud howto, review and links – when the cloud comes to AROS, icaros desktop, and amiga OS3.9 classic (and all others : windows/linux/mac/morphos/aos4…)

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What is Amicloud, and why use it ?

Hi, today an article on Amicloud.

Amicloud is like dropbox, google drive, owncloud… is it a “cloud” solution.

Many people say that “there is no cloud, but only another people’s computer”. They are half right.

There is not only a server, but also a client software which runs in the background, allowing the server and the client to synchronize without the user to do anything.

In the past, we had to copy the file on a USB key (or even a d7 🙂 ), and transfer it to the other computer. If we make a change on the file, we had to copy it back to the first computer. To share the file in order to work on it with other peoples, we had to send it by mail (or email), wait for the other to send it back… It was not very handy (but we did it anyway, i’m not saying we couldn’t work !).

This is what is called a cloud : you just have to copy a file in a place, this file appears automatically on all the computers where the client has been installed on. And you can share them with other peoples just by sending a web address.

Cloud system is so handy that I have installed owncloud at my job for customers to use it, and this is a success : whatever peripheral you use : phone, tablet, computer, macintosh, windows, … you have your files everywhere you need them.

Now, Amicloud bring this to Amiga and related OS (MorphOS, AROS, Amiga OS 68K). It is FANTASTIC !

It is not a free tool, but it is worth the price (very low, in my opinion).

Purchasing it :

get to <A HREF=""></A> ( )
get to ( )
Choose your formule. I prefered to get only AEROS Plus, because I'm only interested in testing Amicloud for the moment.
Choose your formula on the left. I prefered to get only AEROS Plus, because I’m only interested in testing Amicloud for the moment. Click on “subscribe”.
The different purchase formulas :
  • AEROS Plus : 1€ monthly for 1 year (12€/year). One paiement, you get 5 Gb and an activation code for every OS type you wish.
  • AEROS + Amicloud Pro : 5€ monthly  for 1 year. One paiement, and you get 25Gb and an activation code for every OS type you wish.
  • with Patreon ( : patreon applies taxes only once (if compared to Paypal), so the programers get a little bit more money (i haven’t tried this solution)
  • You can purchase every client once (without monthly fees) : i haven’t tried this
You are redirected to the paypal shop for ARES
You are redirected to the paypal shop for ARES. Choose your paiement formula, and do it.
I personally decided to use paypal
Everything’s OK. paiement is monthly for the AEROS Plus formula. 1€ is not much !

Preparing the sync drawer on AROS :

We must create a new drawer to prepare the syncing place
I create it with an icon.

Downloading on AROS

So, ity’s payed, we now have to download it.


Read the disclaimer and Click on “start download”
choose where you want to put it
choose where you want to put it
wait until it's done
wait until it’s done
Unarc using ZuneArc
Unarc using ZuneArc
Now, we can launch the Amicloud application

Amicloud first launch on AROS, configuration :

For the moment, it is not connected. We have to configure it.


First, we get the Syncing folder (first line), and the monocore-friendly mode must be “on” on AROS, cause for the moment, it is a single core OS. But it is going to change !

New account creation (only once) :

Account creation : you click on the little pencil and enter your username and password (that will be your account)
you must type your password again
you must provide the email address you have given when purchasing Amicloud
Each time the program sees that you connect to an account on a new OS type, it ask for a registration. I use voucher codes, because I am on a monthly paiement.
The codes have been sent to me by Pascal Papara. Maybe you will wait for some hours after you purchased the program because everything is managed by hands by Pascal.
So you enter the voucher code that correspond to your OS (here AROS)

Complete the registration on Indie-GO! :

[caption id="attachment_2404" align="aligncenter" width="629"] After your account creation, you receive (only once), an email asking for completing your registration. Just click on the link.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2405" align="aligncenter" width="900"] If everything is okay, you should get this.[/caption]

Syncing your first files on AROS :

To test the solution, I just copied some files into the Amicloud directory using DOpus
The files are copied
it is instantaneous : the synchronization begins
When it is done, we get a kind message
I tried to add a file to see how it reacts. That’s good, the synchronization is done automatically.
you can “pause” the synchronization

On Windows :

Preparing the Sync forder on Windows 7/10 :

just create a drawer
just create a drawer

Using Amicloud and syncing files on Windows 7/10 (with a trick for win 10) :

As for AROS, choose the right executable
As for AROS, choose the right executable on the download page
save the file and unzip it
the drawer after unzipping contains 2 other drawers, go to the Windows one
the drawer after unzipping contains 2 other drawers, go to the Windows one
and copy the included “Amicloud” drawer wherever you wish
This is the content of the Amicloud drawer, launch “Amicloud”
As on AROS with the shell window, we here have a DOS one
With the window, as on AROS
With the window, as on AROS
connect using the account you created before
Choose the drawer you created before
Choose the drawer you created before
The same, as it is the first time you connected from a window OS, it asks for a registration
The same, as it is the first time you connected from a window OS, it asks for a registration
enter the right voucher code for windows
enter the right voucher code for windows. It will be asked only once. If you install a new Windows version of amicloud on an other computer, or reinstall it, it won’t ask this registration again.
We have synchronized files on AROS. Right after registration, the synchronization on your new windows installation begins.
We have synchronized files on AROS. Right after registration, the synchronization on your new windows installation begins.
So, it is done !
So, it is done !
And, this is right, the files are there !
And, this is right, the files are there !

Windows 10 amicloud window does not appear (is hidden) trick :

[caption id="attachment_2430" align="aligncenter" width="452"]On windows 10, the Amicloud window does not appear, or we cannot focus on it, so it is not possible to register. On windows 10, the Amicloud window does not appear, or we cannot focus on it, so it is not possible to register.[/caption]

The windows does not appear on my windows 10 (it is impossible to focus on). So I installed on windows 7, and copy the file “tmp/winpos” in the same drawer of my win 10 amicloud drawer, and tadaaa, the window appear and you can log in.

Here is mine, if needed (zipped) : winpos

Mac OS X and Amiga OS 3.9 test is coming !

More about Amicloud :

Some simple settings :

When I have some time, I’ll add here some available settings.

About activations (voucher codes) :

You can install amicloud any number of times you need, on any number of computer you need. The only condition is to have asked for a voucher code for each OS you use to Pascal Papara, first.

Only one activation per OS type is needed. If you install again Ammicloud on an other computer with the same OS, you just have to type your login and password, it won’t ask for the voucher code again.

Official links :

the cloud home page :

the support forum :

the pdf guide :

a video which shows amicloud running and syncing on linux and windows :

Amicloud on AROS-EXEC :

refer to this thread on aros-exec :

The post about the last version on 20170308 :

Author: jess

for a long time amiga, aros & demos lover and musician (linux musician, drummer, modules in protracker and octamed, recording and mastering in ardour)