icaros desktop – OWB Odyssey Web Browser : how to configure it for a confortable and stable surf time

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Why taking so much care of OWB :

OWB is a crucial but a little bit sensible application. I personnally find it very fast and usefull. I use it for webmailing, browsing my blog, going on http://aros-exec.org, http://youtube.com, etc…

Most of all, it is becoming better and better at each new version.

Links to refer to :

Last OWB executable (2017-02) : odyssey-1.25-11.i386-aros.zip

Facebook :

When on facebook, everything’s ok, as HTML5 is recognized, but it often crashes on facebook videos.

You must disable the “autostart” parameters, and use “standard definition only”.

you can find autostart parameters in the video tab in your facebook preferences

Pages do not show CSS correctly :

For example WordPress 4.7 admin page. It used to work, then don’t work anymore. CSS seems not recognized anymore and everything is a mess.

Reproductible problem :

You go to edit an item (page or post), then click again on the menu on the left. You see the admin page that is not displayed well anymore.

Workaround :

This has something to do with the cache, i don’t know why. You must : start from a fresh copy of OWB drawer, go to your admin page (or somewhere else). In the “Conf” drawer of OWB, you see a file called


Backup it somewhere (with DOPus2 ?) When this behavior from OWB occures, then :

  • copy back the file you backuped
  • delete the content of the drawer “conf/cache”
  • launch OWB again. The problem should be fixed now.
  • TO DO EACH TIME, so keep a copy of the file you backuped !

Some more piece of advice : to make it faster, copy your OWB drawer to RAM: before begining your surf time.

JPEG Pictures do not show correctly (arshed) :

You can see that the picture is not showed correctly
You can see that the picture is not showed correctly

solution :

Replace the SYS:Libs/jfif.library and jpeg.library by the one from Icaros 2.1.3 DVD. Tadaaaa !

“Stack overflow” errors, “out of range” errors ?

OWB icon information window

Solution :

Go in the Information window of OWB icon (in SYS:Utilities/OWB, right click on it, then “information…”)

In the “Stack” field, replace 8192000 by 16192000

Author: jess

for a long time amiga, aros & demos lover and musician (linux musician, drummer, modules in protracker and octamed, recording and mastering in ardour)