Hits: 19633
- 1 your page is missing ? contact me (leave a message in the bottom of the page)
- 2 AROS
- 3 Associations
- 4 Demoscene
- 5 Official Websites for Amiga Softwares
- 6 Facebook Pages and groups
- 7 hardware manufacturers and shops
- 8 Projects and kickstarters
- 9 Magazines
- 10 Blogs
- 11 MorphOS
- 12 News and Forums
- 13 Amiga Music
- 14 Modules & Samples (iff and mods)
- 15 Softwares
- 16 WHDLoad for loading games and demos inside Amiga OS
- 17 Divz
- 18 Amiga OS
- 19 Divz Amiga related
- 20 Emulation
- 21 EMU /FPGA
- 22 hard / hacks
- 23 CODEF / WAB
your page is missing ? contact me (leave a message in the bottom of the page)
- Support icaros desktop with your money on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/icarosdesktop
- the main : http://aros.org
- main aros forum, very active : http://aros-exec.org/
- http://aros.sourceforge.net/ : The main dev forum around AROS. It takes care of all ports & distributions. Ask questions to enthusiast AROS users , follow the development stuffs. Also some important news on the front page.
- icaros distrib main page : http://vmwaros.blogspot.fr/
- aros broadway : http://www.aros-broadway.de/
- arosworld forum : http://arosworld.org/news.php
This is the main download place for AROS software : http://archives.aros-exec.org/
- AROS WIKI : https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Aros
- aros hardware support page : https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Aros/Platforms/x86_support
- aros review on network world : http://www.networkworld.com/article/2995585/opensource-subnet/linux-review-aros-os-amiga.html
- icaros review : https://www.maketecheasier.com/icaros-a-modern-open-source-amiga-os/
- claustrophobic exploration of a dunjeon : http://www.retream.com/BOH/downloads.html
Like Aros-exec, but more turned to the public stuffs. Anyway, you will find the same peoples there than on aros-exec. http://www.arosworld.org
- an aros dev page (many ports there) : http://www.dusabledanslherbe.eu/AROSPage/index.html
- amigafan ring : http://migafan.online.fr/
- amiga=power french fanzine : http://amigapower.free.fr/
- amigazette french fanzine : http://amigazette.83.free.fr/
- les bugs du jeu “frontier : Elite 2” french : http://www.sharoma.com/frontierverse/bugs_fr.htm
- myretrocomputer USA : http://www.myretrocomputer.com/home.html
- amiga look (icons, wallpapers …) : http://www.amiga-look.org/category/wallpapers
- Retroplatform, RP9 host : http://rp9.com/ & http://www.retroplatform.com/
- TripleA amiga association : http://www.triplea.fr/blog/
- AMOS factory forum : http://www.ultimateamiga.co.uk/index.php/board,300.0.html
- AMF french club : http://www.clubamf.org/
- Amiga french club list on obligement.fr : http://obligement.free.fr/articles/clubs_associations_amiga_francophones.php
- Amiga online scripted emulator : http://scriptedamigaemulator.net/
- Amiga poll : http://amiga-poll.blogspot.fr/
- Evolution 4 french association : http://www.clubevolution4.com/
- Viva amiga kickstarter : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/vivaamiga/viva-amiga-the-documentary-film/
- Association WDA for the preservation of retro machines : http://wda-fr.org/index.php?page=share
- Amiga pour toujours French map of amiga users : http://umap.openstreetmap.fr/fr/map/amiga-pour-toujours_150428#6/47.130/6.042
- AmigaMega gives us full archives (iso, lha and dms) of sceners stuffs. Many megabytes to download freely !
- http://www.amigamega.com/
- IntroManiac : WYSIWYG old school intro editor http://intromaniac.flasharts.de/
- http://www.amiga-service.info/ (german)
- Amiga database archives : http://ada.untergrund.net/?p=demo&i=766
- Amigamega : http://www.amigamega.com/
- Pouët.net : http://www.pouet.net/index.php
- CODEF (API) : http://codef.santo.fr/
- Legacy ! demos archives : http://cyberpingui.free.fr/oldiescomp.htm
- OSDM (API) : http://forum.deltaforceteam.de/forum/download.php
- demomaking tutorial french : http://www.devils.ch/alain/codz/amiga/tutorial_demo.html
- demoscene music forum (radio stream 24/7) : https://www.scenemusic.net/demovibes/
- scoopex web page : http://scoopex1988.org/
- breakpoint scene event : http://breakpoint.untergrund.net/index.php
- scene.org : https://www.scene.org/
- revision demo party home : https://2013.revision-party.net/
- Kestra amiga demo database : http://janeway.exotica.org.uk/search.php
- bitfellas website : http://www.bitfellas.org/main.php
- Amiwest usa event : http://www.amiwest.net/
- amiga french demomaking tutorial : http://www.devils.ch/alain/codz/amiga/tutorial_demo.html
- WAB we are back codef forum : http://wab.com/
- demo remakes : http://www.retro-remakes.net/
- codef libraries (API) : https://github.com/N0NameN0/CODEF
- flashtro cacktros converted to flash : http://www.flashtro.com/
- haujob : http://haujobb.scene.org/
- demoscene.info link page : http://www.demoscene.info/external/
- demozoo https://demozoo.org/
Official Websites for Amiga Softwares
- Amiga OS official wiki : http://wiki.amigaos.net/wiki/Main_Page
- AmigaOS : http://os.amigaworld.de/index.php?lang=en&page=1
- Hyperion Entertainment : http://hyperion-entertainment.biz/
- Amiga OS : http://www.amigaos.net/
- Roadshow TCP/IP stack : http://roadshow.apc-tcp.de/index-en.php
- MCP : http://mcp.a1k.org/indexe.html
- picasso 96 : http://amigate.8m.com/picasso96.html
- JACK multi purpose software : https://jackforamigaos.wordpress.com/
- amiga mosaic image tool : http://www.mfischer.com/legacy/amosaic/
- DOpus 5 official : https://sourceforge.net/projects/dopus5allamigas/
- netsurf : http://ami-soft.blogspot.fr/
- Amicloud : the cloud home page : http://www.amicloud.de/ & the support forum : http://www.a-mc.biz/support
Facebook Pages and groups
- AROS : https://www.facebook.com/groups/42651330981/
- Paradox demogroup : https://www.facebook.com/pages/PARADOX-PDX/307100856269
- Phase5 : https://www.facebook.com/phase5digital/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED
- AROS Workshop : https://www.facebook.com/ArosWorkshop/?ref=ts&fref=ts
- Icaros desktop : https://www.facebook.com/Icarosdesktop/?ref=ts&fref=ts
- AROS group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/42651330981/?ref=ts&fref=ts
- Generation amiga : https://www.facebook.com/generationamiga/?ref=ts&fref=ts
- Génération amiga french store : https://www.facebook.com/generationamigabxl/?ref=ts&fref=ts
- Commodore amiga group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/CommodoreAmiga/?ref=ts&fref=ts
- Commodore Amiga – Buy Sell Trade : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1644050675876412/?ref=ts&fref=ts
- Apollo team (accelerators) : https://www.facebook.com/apolloaccelerators/?hc_location=ufi
- Amiga User International : https://www.facebook.com/groups/AmigaUserInternational/
- AmigaMart : https://www.facebook.com/AmigaMart
- Desire and friends : https://www.facebook.com/groups/303317629035/
- Amiga pour toujours : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1653730221606670/?fref=nf
hardware manufacturers and shops
- voxelamigashop : http://www.voxelamigashop.fr/
- vesalia : http://www.vesalia.de/e_aca500.htm
- Phase5 : http://www.p-5.eu/
- Alinea computer : http://www.amiga-shop.net/
- ZamigaStore : http://z-amigastore.com/index.php
- amedia french computer store : http://amiga.amedia-computer.com/
- aeon : http://www.a-eon.com/
- acube : http://www.acube-systems.biz/
- english store : http://amigakit.leamancomputing.com/catalog/?currency=EUR¤cy=EUR
- amikit : http://www.amikit.amiga.sk/
- Amigashop : http://www.amigashop.org/
- Apollo accelerators : http://www.apollo-accelerators.com/
Projects and kickstarters
- cases and keycaps http://a1200.net/
- X500 amiga like mini-atx box : The X500 Plus computer case
- 101 jeux amiga, le livre (french) : http://101jeuxamiga.fr
- amigafilm : https://amigafilm.com/
- Amigafuture home page : http://www.amigafuture.de/portal.php
- enigma deutch magazine : http://cd.textfiles.com/amigama/amigama199803/WWW/www.skylink.it/ear/ger.html
- Micromart : http://subscribe.micromart.co.uk/
- AmigaMad : http://amiga.zone/mag/
- Obligement online amigazine : http://obligement.free.fr/
- amiga chez alice : http://amigaga.chez-alice.fr/classic/bin/index.htm
- Lallafa : http://lallafa.de/blog/amiga-projects/plipbox/
- o1i’s aros blog : http://planet-aros.heimstetten.net/
- Bszili’s aros blog (a lot of aros programs ports) : http://bszili.morphos.me/
- Aros Vision distrib : http://www.aros-platform.de/
- amiga chez alice : http://amigaga.chez-alice.fr/
- Jim Neray : http://www.jimneray.com/
- The Zen of amiga : http://www.monkeyhouse.eclipse.co.uk/amiga/zen.htm
- amiga hardware blog : http://amigan.1emu.net/
- andreas blazer : http://andreas.blazer.nu/index.php
- trevor’s amiga blog : http://blog.a-eon.biz/blog/
- Amiga68k deutch blog : http://amiga68k.de/
- amigaguru games blog : http://blog.amigaguru.com/#post300
- World of Menchi (music and amiga) : http://worldofmenchi.fr/amiga/
- and there (plenty mp3) : http://worldofmenchi.fr/Amiga/Musics/
- Rob the nerd, well know amiga hardware hacker and software writer : http://www.robthenerd.com/clockport
- Epsilon’s blog on X1000 http://amigax1000.blogspot.fr/
- HstWB Installer for Classic Amiga http://hstwb.firstrealize.com/
- Cosmos’ blog : his machines configurations, full of informations about Warp3D on classic, and downloads : http://warpclassic68k.blogspot.fr/ Links page of his 2nd blog : http://leblogdecosmos.blogspot.fr/p/urls.html
- Christophe Kohler’s Amiga demomaking history and tips : http://amigademomaking.dk-games.com/
- warmup morphos forum : http://www.meta-morphos.org/index.php?op=edito
- morphos review : http://www.osnews.com/story/15209/MorphOS-The-Lightning-OS/
- morph.zone forum : https://morph.zone/news/
- Morphos official : http://www.morphos-team.net/
News and Forums
- http://www.amigafrance.com/amiga-france-ouverture-officielle/
- Amiganews.de : http://www.amiga-news.de/en/
- generation amiga : https://www.generationamiga.com/
- multiplatform amiga forum : http://www.amigaworld.net/
- french amiga forum : http://www.amigaimpact.org/
- amiga famous forum : http://www.amiga.org/
- amiga news network (no update since 2014) : http://amigann.com/
- french amiga NG forum : http://www.amiga-ng.org/index.php?op=edito
- Amigans forum : http://amigans.net/
- amiga lore forum : http://www.abime.net/
- amiga OS4 dev group : http://openamiga.org/
- english amiga board AEB : http://eab.abime.net/index.php
- amiga deutch forum : http://www.a1k.org/forum/index.php
- amigaworld forum : http://amigaworld.net/
- amiga italian news : http://amiga.ikirsector.it/forum/index.php
- exotica forum : http://www.exotica.org.uk/wiki/Main_Page
- ultimate amiga france : http://ultimateamiga.forumactif.com/
Amiga Music
- chipmusic blog : http://binaerpilot.no/music.html
- med soundtudio music page : http://trackerbase.blogspot.fr/2014/02/med-soundstudio.html
- SCM web music playser : http://scmplayer.net/
- digibooster official page : http://digiboosterpro.de/en/index.php
- amiga music remix page : http://www.amigaremix.com/
- incredible queen bohemian rapsody remix (with d7 drives!) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht96HJ01SE4&feature=fvwp
- amiga music preservation home : http://amp.dascene.net/
- Pex Mahoney Tufvesson download page (noisetracker) : https://livet.se/mahoney/index_download.php
- podcasts demoscene http://www.Amigavibes.org
- webradio games & demos music http://radio.amigavibes.org
Modules & Samples (iff and mods)
- http://coppershade.org/articles/Assembler/Tutorials/Protracker_Instrument_Collections/
- http://aminet.net/package/mus/edit/OctamedSS1.03c
- http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=55263
- https://archive.org/download/AmigaSoundtrackerSamplePacksst-xx
- http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/136/tracker-food-samples/
- Let’s imagine you come in Amiga world again after years… like me at the begining.
- Let’s imagine you have a splendid A1200 who waits for cool programs to be loaded.
- Let’s imagine you like demos and music, like me.
- aminet : http://aminet.net/
- download programs : http://archives.aros-exec.org
- amiga classic BB3&BB4 : http://lilliput.amiga-projects.net/bbag4.htm
- back to roots : http://team.back2roots.org/
- download morphos softwares : http://morphos.lukysoft.cz/
- OS4 depot : http://www.os4depot.net/
- ClassicWB distribution : http://classicwb.abime.net/
- AmigaSYS distribution : http://amigasys.ultimateamiga.co.uk/downloadamiga.html
- Amiga PD disks : http://www.amiga-stuff.com/pd/index.html
- minimig sources codes : https://code.google.com/archive/p/minimig/downloads
- WHDLoad home : http://www.whdload.de/
- amiga games archives : http://www.dazeland.com/Jeux_Amiga_a.html
WHDLoad for loading games and demos inside Amiga OS
- http://whdload.de/
- http://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=68704 (whdload related)
- ftp://grandis.nu/Commodore_Amiga/WHDLoad_Packs/
- http://kg.whdownload.com/kgwhd/
- tosec project : http://www.tosecdev.org/downloads
- retro game TV : http://retrogametv.com/amiga/amiga.php
Amiga OS
- Boing Bags : http://os.amigaworld.de/index.php?lang=en&page=12
- Unofficial Boing Bags 3&4 : http://lilliput.amiga-projects.net/bbag4.htm
- The official Amiga OS 4 website : http://www.amigaos.net/
- Amiga OS wiki User manual. Interesting initiative, even if it’s not that complete : http://wiki.amigaos.net
- Some TShirts and hats for Amiga lovers, very nice :http://lemon.spreadshirt.co.uk/
- Lemon Amiga. A well known place for every Amiga lover, news, forums, downloads, reviews… http://www.lemonamiga.com/
- ebay like for amiga : http://www.amibay.com/content.php
- Annuaire AMIGA (french) : http://www.annuaire-amiga.org/
- Amiga 1000 page on “old computers” : http://oldcomputers.net/amiga1000.html
- amiga paradise database : http://www.amiga-paradise.com/
- The Amiga Museum : http://theamigamuseum.com/
- Amikit is something like a “distribution” of Amiga OS (as we can find for linux). More oriented into emulated amiga, there is also a 16 colors version optimized for real AGA amigas.
- http://amikit.amiga.sk amikit for 68k : http://www.real.amiga.sk/downloads.htm
- Happiga, the best Raspberry pi emulation distri based on Raspbian : http://www.happi-game-center.com/ Amiberry, an other distri for rasp : http://blitterstudio.com/amiberry/ “The Amiga 500 emulator” is an amiga 500 emulator * in a browser *, works only on google chrome because it uses a special technology. http://pnacl-amiga-emulator.appspot.com/
- euae home : http://www.rcdrummond.net/uae/
- E-UAE emulator ubuntu page : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EUAEAmigaEmulator
- uae mailing list archives : http://www.freelists.org/archive/uae
- WinUAE home : http://www.winuae.net/
- the most famous amiga emulator package : http://www.amigaforever.com/
- minimig : http://minimig.amiga-ng.org/index.php?op=edito
- majsta fpga accelerator home : http://www.majsta.com/
- fpga arcade home : http://www.fpgaarcade.com/
- Armiga project : http://www.armigaproject.com/ and on facebook : https://www.facebook.com/armigaproject/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED
hard / hacks
- this blog is pretty awesome. it presents electronical projects for moding your amiga. i personnally will try the arduino based paralell to ethernet project : http://lallafa.de/blog/amiga-projects/
- amiga hardware database : http://amiga.resource.cx/
- hard hacks how to make atx power supply for A500/a1200
- http://www.stone-oakvalley-studios.com/post.php?id=000928072014005355
- http://www.ianstedman.co.uk/Amiga/amiga_hacks/Amiga_PSU/amiga_psu.html
- http://wordpress.hertell.nu/?p=186
- Use a raspberry pi to emulate an amiga floppy disk drive : http://amigadrive.blogspot.it/
- CODEF is a bunch of free and open source libraries allowing us to code demos-like effects on websites. Best viewed with chrome, but, it works also with other web browsers, such as firefox or odyssey (no sound).
- Home page for the libraries. You can also find examples, tutorials and test canvas : http://codef.santo.fr/
- The gallery, where you can find users creations : http://www.wab.com/
- A good website with a lot of different computers, consoles, games … reviewed.
- http://retrogameandcomputer.com
- Technical database on obsolete technologies.
- http://oldcomputers.net/