Hits: 2352
You are trying to launch janus-uae, like trying to configure Amibridge (like in this coherency guide : Janus-uae coherency guide), and janus-uae window stays gray / blank, it’s impossible to close the janus-uae window, and the “quit” button of the janus-uae configuration window does nothing ?

The solution is below, every article is for me a big work, so show me your support in registering. You will then be able to access all the tutorials, and all the downloads !
As it is told in this thread (thanx @mordesku) : http://aros-exec.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=10596 et ici : http://aros-exec.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=10744
You just have to correctly configure all AHI musical units, like that :

Relaunch janus-uae, tadaaaa !