mount an ISO file in IcAROS desktop

Hits: 1149

So you have an ISO file and want to access it without having to burn a DVD ? Here is what you have to do : – copy the file (iso) to the drawer “AROS:Diskimages” – rename it as Unit0 – add this into the file AROS:Devs/Mountlist ISO: FileSystem = cdrom.handler Device = fdsk.device Unit           = 0 LowCyl         = 0 HighCyl        = 0 Surfaces       = 1 BlocksPerTrack = 1 DOSType        = 0x41434400 Activate       = 1 – open a shell window and type : mount ISO: In regular IcAROS, the device doesn’t show up in Wanderer, but you can access it using “ISO:” in a shell, or in DOpus. Tadaaa.

Author: jess

for a long time amiga, aros & demos lover and musician (linux musician, drummer, modules in protracker and octamed, recording and mastering in ardour)