Posted in amiga 1200 my new translucent amiga box has arrived ! Author: jess Published Date: 2 August 2018 Hits: 2097Today, I received a box i was waiting for monthes : my new translucent amiga box from Thanx to Amedia computer and Laurent. The gallery my new translucent box for my amiga 1200 IMG_20180730_180323 IMG_20180730_180340 IMG_20180730_180601 IMG_20180730_180611 IMG_20180730_180634 my new translucent box for my amiga 1200 Next ? I will adapt this to my amiga 1200 in some days, stay tuned ! Author: jessfor a long time amiga, aros & demos lover and musician (linux musician, drummer, modules in protracker and octamed, recording and mastering in ardour)