the last part of the crying chips symphony – orchestral chip music – (Part 6 – beta version – work in progress)

Hits: 538


held only on facebook. Join us for the most important music event on Amiga on this end of 2018

here is the link to the intl event :

For this 20th anniversary of the techno parade and in honor of the love party !

For the one who love 4 tracks/8 bits and chiptunes music. Here it is, the is the last past. After 9 month of work since the first module (but not 100% as i have other projects), and my decision to release a symphonic piece, i’m almost at the end of the journey. This time i give you a “trance techno and chill” module. In fact, i get yout on orbit, and i make you fly.

Still composed on an Amiga 1200, a 35 years old machine, with its own sound, and this ‘oldy’ style, but with so much personality that i love.

  • 4 tracks
  • 8 bits sounds
  • limitations like rails

Here is the video Crying Chips Part 6, chiptune music:

electronic serie of protracker modules chipmusic chiptunes made on an Amiga 1200, release dates 2017-2018

if you’re interested in chip music, you should visit [my chipmusic dedicated website]

Crying Chips Chap 2 Part 3 (2018 - alpha version) - amiga protracker module - Jess the Wet Machine
Watch this video on YouTube.
i use an extention wich protect your privacy


Nest step will be to put everything together to make the entire symphony. Work has already began. I reorchestrate everything to listen to all your different comments you gave me (good AND bad).

Thanks :

Ofcourse, i warmly thank all the members of “Amiga forever and beyond” facebook group, who follows me and help in this adventure.

Author: jess

for a long time amiga, aros & demos lover and musician (linux musician, drummer, modules in protracker and octamed, recording and mastering in ardour)