emulating Amiga OS 4.1 with fs-uae under linux – installation stage – all the steps

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After booting from the installation DVD under fs-uae here is the first screen.  

Below are all the Amiga OS 4.1 installation stepds under fs-uae. It represents a lot of work. Show me your support in registering. You will then be able to access all the tutorials of this website, and dowload my modules. I’ll keep you informed about the new tutorials and my musicl news (less than a mail a month). Thanx !

First Step : the hard drive preparation

device choice
harddrive choice
installing – nothing to change here – just click “OK”
partition editing – don’t forget the “Bootable” flag
After creating the partition, we must add a filesystem
Personnaly, I prefer SFS
Click OK
Accept changes
“Save To disk”
Click Yes
Yes reboot

Second step : Choose locales

Après le reboot, retour sur la première page d’installation
Choose the locales

Third step : installation choices

please wait
Click next
Read, click next
Choose Amiga 4000
Click on Format disk
Choose “DHO:”
Name it
Choose destination to DH0:
Choose Picasso IV
Choose your resolution
make sure to have “cybppc.device” loaded at startup
one says you should not click it
No needs to check boxes there
Quick recall, click next

Fourth Step, the installation itself

copying files
After some minutes, installation done

Last step : Reboot

Remove installation media, and reboot
remove ISO from virtual DVD drive
Tadaaaa !

This tutorial articles

  • Chapter 4 : Wazp 3D (yet to come…)

Author: jess

for a long time amiga, aros & demos lover and musician (linux musician, drummer, modules in protracker and octamed, recording and mastering in ardour)